
3rd Regional Conference - CHILD LABOUR

Jan 2015

In this resolution, the 3rd ITUC-AP Regional Conference reiterates that child labour is an important workplace issue which trade unions have a responsibility to tackle as a matter of principle of solidarity and social justice; as child labour violates children’s rights, trade unions are firmly committed to outright opposition to the exploitation of children at the workplace and other places. The Conference also welcomes global action that has significantly reduced cases of child labor, with trade unions and affiliates playing a pivotal role.

Despite this, it is noted that the APAC still has the largest number of child laborers. There must be continuous action through intensive national and regional campaigns to increase family income, have a policy for national social protection floor, and ultimately eradicate child labor. In support of this campaign, the Conference commits the ITUC-AP, affiliate, and GUFs to: promote free and compulsory education for all children as part of social safety nets; campaign for ratification of ILO Conventions and effective implementation of legislations regarding the minimum employment age, and abusive and forced labor; and  coordinate with relevant parties for the elimination of child labor in supply chains.