
Occupational Health and Safety

The ITUC-Asia Pacific promotes occupational health and safety as a fundamental right of workers, recognising its critical role in protecting workers’ lives and livelihoods.

Occupational Health and Safety

The ITUC-Asia Pacific promotes occupational health and safety as a fundamental right of workers, recognising its critical role in protecting workers’ lives and livelihoods.
Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is a fundamental human and workers’ right, declared and recognised in international instruments, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 23) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Article 7).

On 10 June 2022, the 110th International Labour Conference unanimously adopted a resolution to include the principle of a safe and healthy working environment to the International Labour Organization’s Fundamental Principles and Rights at work. Now, all 187 ILO member countries have obligations to promote OHS, including by developing a coherent national OHS policy based on social dialogue.

OHS cannot be separated from other broader issues that the society faces. Highlighted by the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, OHS is evidently an integral element of economic and social development. It is also an increasingly important building block for our adaptation to climate change.

The ITUC-Asia Pacific, together with its affiliates, promotes OHS as a fundamental right of workers to protect lives and livelihoods of all workers.

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