Although the Conference upholds the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 23, it also admits that the reality is very contradictory in terms of quantity and quality of employment, employment protection, employment creation, and rules of employment adjustment. This is made apparent by the fact that almost 202 million people were unemployed in 2013 around the world, despite the fast economic growth in the region and globally contributed by globalization.
With this, the 3rd ITUC-AP Regional Conference urges governments, in order to rectify the current trend of high-level of unemployment, surge in informal and precarious work, and lack of rule of employment adjustment to establish at the national level the fundamental principle of quality employment as stipulated in the ILO Convention 122 (1964) on Employment Policy Article 1. They also urge coordinated government action by strong tripartism to support employment protection by: financing green investment, green jobs, and other quality employment generation programs; promoting inclusive, efficient, and fair labor market with apriority in the integration of young women and men into the labor force; and establishing employment targets and indicators with relevant analysis and recommendation.