
International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons 2024: Forging a path towards human security, justice, and peace

Sep 2024

Today, on the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, we stand united as trade unions across the Asia-Pacific region in our unwavering commitment to a world free from the threat of nuclear annihilation. This day is not just a symbolic reminder of the dangers we face from nuclear weapons but a call to action - a demand for a future where human lives, dignity, and peace take precedence over weapons of mass destruction.

In 2021, we declared that the existence of nuclear weapons poses an unacceptable risk to humanity. We said then, and we say again today: nuclear weapons are not a deterrent; they are a catastrophic threat. A single nuclear detonation, whether by accident, miscalculation, or intent, would unleash unspeakable suffering, devastate communities, and poison the environment for generations to come. The very notion that security can be built on such a foundation is a deadly delusion.

We have seen, time and again, that the resources poured into nuclear arsenals are resources stolen from the urgent needs of our people - from healthcare, education, public services, and decent work. Every money spent on a nuclear weapon is a money that could have been spent on creating a just and sustainable future for all. The pandemic has shown us the fragility of our societies and the need for investment in human security, not weapons of mass destruction.  

As trade unions, our mission is to protect lives, defend rights, and promote peace. Nuclear weapons stand in direct opposition to these goals. That’s why we welcome the growing momentum for disarmament, embodied in the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), which came into force in 2021. We commend those nations that have joined this historic treaty and urge others to follow. It’s time to reject the outdated and dangerous logic of nuclear deterrence and embrace a new path - a path that prioritises human security, justice, and peace.

But let’s be clear: disarmament is not just a government responsibility. It is a cause that requires all of us - workers, trade unions, and society - to stand up and speak out. Our voices matter. Our actions matter. We have seen the power of people coming together to demand change, from the trade union movement that has fought for workers’ rights to the global efforts that ended apartheid and secured civil rights. The fight against nuclear weapons is no different.

Today, we call on governments in our region and beyond to take concrete steps toward disarmament. We call for the redirection of resources from weapons of war to investments in jobs, peace, development, and climate action. We call for transparency, accountability, and an end to the nuclear arms race that threatens us all.

To our fellow trade unionists, we urge you to continue raising your voices against nuclear weapons. Educate, advocate, and mobilise. Let us use our collective strength to push for a future where nuclear weapons are consigned to history and where peace is built on dialogue, cooperation, and mutual respect.

The total elimination of nuclear weapons is not a distant dream - it is a necessity. It is a matter of life and death, of war and peace, of our very survival. On this International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, let us renew our commitment to this fight. Let us stand together for a world where every person can live free from the fear of nuclear devastation. Let us work tirelessly until the day when nuclear weapons are no more.

Shoya Yoshida
General Secretary
ITUC-Asia Pacific