
International Day of Democracy: For democracy that ensures a lived experience of justice, equality and inclusion

Sep 2024

On this International Day for Democracy, we are reminded that democracy is not a static achievement but an ongoing process - one that demands constant vigilance, courage, and collective action. As we navigate the challenges of 2024, we witness a world in turmoil: rising authoritarianism, deepening inequality, and the relentless exploitation of workers. These realities threaten the very core of democracy and call upon us to act with purpose and solidarity.

In my May Day 2024 message, I emphasised the urgent need for global democracy and inclusive multilateralism - an order where workers' rights are respected, and human dignity is upheld. As we reflect today on the state of democracy, that call remains as critical as ever. Democracy cannot thrive in isolation; it must be fortified by global cooperation that prioritises people over profit, justice over oppression, and peace over conflict. For too long, economic policies driven by corporate greed have undermined democratic institutions, leaving workers vulnerable and voiceless.

The ITUC-AP’s Action Programme for 2023-2027 offers a clear blueprint for reversing the decline of democracies. It underscores the need for renewed commitments to promoting decent work and fundamental labour rights – particularly freedom of association and collective bargaining, which are essential pillars of a just society where everyone can live with dignity. The programme envisions a world where democracy is truly representative, inclusive, and just.

In 2024, the ITUC has declared this the year to regain peace and democracy. This declaration is not an abstract aspiration but a call to action for trade unions and all who believe in the power of democracy to ensure justice and equality, to protect rights and fundamental freedoms, and to improve the lives of everyone, especially the most marginalised and vulnerable.

It is through solidarity and collective struggle that we can dismantle the structures of exploitation and injustice that weaken our democracies. We must build alliances across sectors and borders, uniting around the shared goal to create a system that is responsive to the needs of the many, not the privileged few.

Democracy is more than just a political system; it is the lived experience of justice, equality, and inclusion. It upholds the right and power of workers to organise, to demand adequate living wages, safety and health at work, and the right to be heard. It is the commitment to peace, to building societies where every individual can thrive without fear of oppression or suppression. On this day, let us recommit to this vision of democracy - not as a distant ideal, but as a living, breathing force for good in the world.

Let us remember that the fight for democracy is the fight for our future. In solidarity, we can reclaim a world where democracy delivers on its promise of peace, justice, and dignity for all. Together, we will build a world that values every voice, respects every worker, and holds true to the principles that define our shared humanity.

Shoya Yoshida
General Secretary
ITUC-Asia Pacific