
President of Timor Leste recognizes the key role of trade unions in the promotion of sustainable development

Aug 2023
Timor Leste
Timor Leste, Social Dialogue, Organising
Social Dialogue

The International Trade Union Confederation–Asia Pacific and its affiliate the Konfederasaun Sindakatu Timor Leste (KSTL) met with the honourable President Jose Ramos Horta at Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace on 2 August 2023.    

During the meeting, Shoya Yoshida, General Secretary of the ITUC-AP, emphasised that trade unions play a key role in achieving better working conditions and facilitating the realisation of sustainable development, particularly its social and economic dimensions.  

ITUC-Asia Pacific General Secretary, Shoya Yoshida, and the President of Timor Leste, Jose Ramos Horta

This role of trade unions can be optimised with constructive social dialogue in place. Shoya Yoshida said, “In order to ensure constructive social dialogue, promoting and protecting human and trade union rights, including freedom of association and the right to bargain collectively are critically important. The established principles of tripartism provide a basis for strengthened collaboration between trade unions, employers and governments in the implementation of sustainable development.”

The President of Timor Lester with the representatives of ITUC-Asia Pacific and KSTL

President Jose Ramos Horta said that education and training at all levels, including in the workplace, are key to strengthening the capacity of workers and trade unions to support Timor Leste’s development. In this regard, he requested the ITUC to extend capacity building for the KSTL leaders and members.

Moreover, he highlighted that the government is focusing on job creation, particularly for the young people through various vocational trainings. He committed to utilise the reserved fund of 1.7 billion US dollar to curb youth unemployment and create job opportunities for young people.

President Jose Ramos Horta also recognised that minimum wage in Timor Leste is not sufficient and should be revisited together with social partners. Lastly, he shared that Government of Timor Leste will organize a “National Economic Forum” in September this year and will be inviting trade unions and civil society groups as resource persons to this forum.    

After this significant meeting between ITUC-Asia Pacific, KSTL and the President of Timor Leste, the ITUC Global Organising Academy (GOA) conducted a Leadership Training on 3-4 August 2023 in Dili, Timor Leste, which was officially opened by Minister of Labour.

Leadership Training conducted by the Global Organising Academy
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