
7th Regional General Council - Trade Union Rights in Fiji

Nov 2011

In this resolution, the ITUC-AP expresses deep concern at the ongoing attacks and unlawful detention of trade union leaders on charges of sedition and unlawful assembly, etc. and the erosion of the rights of Fiji workers and trade unions. The Council condemns the illegal actions by the Government to abrogate workers rights, particularly in the Public Service and other national or critical industries to further harassment, assault, and detention of Fiji trade union officials.

With this the Council requests the national trade union centers around the Asia Pacific  region to demonstrate and protest at the Fiji Embassies against the regime's Dictator. The Council also demands that the Fiji Government truly abide by all the legitimate Fiji labor laws and the principles  of ILO conventions that have been freely and publicly adopted by the nation, including the restoration of the Check Off facilities, and take no further steps to erode the rights of Fiji trade unions, their officials and members, and to restore the democratic principles and processes in the nation without delay.