The ITUC and ITUC-AP in solidarity with the Filipino unionists (Nagkaisa - the largest labor coalition in the Philippines) and workers urge Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to veto the Anti-Terror BIlls -- Senate BIll 1083 and House BIll 6875, as they violate international labor standards. If signed, this bill with further securitize, shrink, and stifle civic space and rights at work, placing workers, trade union activists and other human rights sectors and defenders under more jeopardy and danger of arbitrary, indiscriminate, and baseless attacks, harassment, intimidation, and killings at the hands of police, military, and other security agencies.
Bill provisions of note and concern are: 1) section 4 of SB1083’s broad definition of terrorism ; 2)section 9 of both SB1083 and HB6875’s criminalization of persons who expresses opinons in favor of alleged terrorists in connection to the previous note; 3) section 3(c) of SB1083’s statement that “extraordinary rendition may be done without filing any formal charges, trial, or approval of the court”; and 4) sections 29 of both SB1083 and HB6875 that deny persons under suspicion of terroris the protection of a warrant-based arrest.